Our Properties

We own all properties we bee keep for Manuka. Some of the most beautiful places on the East Coast of the South Island in New Zealand.

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Home Base – Oxford

Part of our honey shed and plant. This is where the team meet for work in loading and unloading trucks and organising the days work. We do have beehives on this property as well, it is one of the most bee friendly sites we have.

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Puhi Puhi Valley

Located near Kaikoura area. Still has an ancient totora forest on the property that has been untouched. We have left the place untouched and to regenerate. It is a magical wilderness filled with beautiful valleys, mountain streams backed right onto the Kaikoura Mountains which have a lot of snow in the winter. A feature to be seen from Kaikoura township.


Stag and Spey

Located Inland Road, Kaikoura. Hidden away little wilderness that we have been letting regenerate and planted natives in the winter of 2020. We have noticed an amazing increase of bird life in the last few years. The area has been left untouched for 12-15 years of more. A lot has naturally regenerated. This is another aim of Bee Buzz to increase and enhance bird life.  (Beautiful thing)

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Mt Lyford

Located Inland Road. Before the earthquake, there was a log cabin that we had just renovated. The earthquake completely wrote off the log cabin. This was a base for our beekeepers to stay while beekeeping in the area. Prompted us to build an earthquake proof shed and dwelling for our team to stay on the property in the peak of the beekeeping season.

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Hanmer Springs

Our Hanmer Springs property is approx. 60 acres. Near all manuka, the last bare areas are regenerating and growing over with Manuka. This has been a reasonably consistent area so far.  We are looking to develop more bee sites there.